Stapling Colour Together, Part 2.

It has taken me a long time to see the continuity in my work. I guess, I am slow.

The roses, the planets, solar winds, planar, lucy’s gift, collage and now stapling colour, they are all round forms of line and colour.

So be it spirits, lead on…

Stapling Colour Together

Colour Field Peace

Photography has left the building. It seems, for a long time now that everyone is a photographer and has a better camera than I do.

Why would anyone buy a print when they can steal it off of the internet, shoot it on their iPhone, print it and hang it on their wall. Pastiche…effect…what’s the point?

Therefore, I am currently searching for a colour field concept / technique where I can create one of a kind drawings / paintings and let this be my art.

A quiet preacefullness to sit and stare at without any pressure to judge the world, what we have done to it, each other or all of humanity. It is only that gaze at a sunset, the Milky Way, a flower or a whole field of flowers.

It scares the shit out of me what AI is doing, but that is another post, because Photoshop, Premier Pro, scanners are all part of my daily work.

The image below is from “Piano, Piano” in “Works on Paper” .

There Are No Words

Most friends know that on October 16th, 2020, I was give a TAVR, a Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. It was Dr. Cousimano and Dr. Austen, along with an unknown surgeon of the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre of Toronto General Hospital, who gave me this new aorta and forever changed my life.
Just think of this miracle, where they could go through a vein into my heart and change my aorta, without opening my chest. Incredible. We are lucky to be living at this time. Which makes me mindful of the many things we are surrounded with everyday, which are reasons to be thankful for.

There aren’t words to thank these Doctors and the nurses who changed my life that day, because they continue to change someone’s life, everyday. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

Corso Olio I

Corso Olio I

Finally the studio is warm enough to paint in there. May 10th – That took long enough.


Continuing with the series on collage, these new images are flat field compositions. They are exercise in commitment and doing the unexpected.

During The Lockdown

What to do when you can’t leave the property? Now that we are almost free, I can look back at the photographs I created while we were required to remain at home. Making due with whatever you can find. And making something you are proud of.

Animating a Scream

With the change happening in the presentation of new media, I am taking pleasure in animating my photographs, with the help from Christina Humphries @ Rooster Post. It has been a big learing curve working in Premier Pro. Which is why I am very fortunate to be able to turn to Christina for motion in After Effects. More to come, more fun to be had.

To see the new GIF’s, please go to Twitter.


Alizarin in Crimson

Alizarin crimson is is one of the best reds. It was used in ancient Egypt, Persia and Pompeii to dye clothes. The lines that form a human shape are the ones we most relate to. An ongoing series….

Corso: Something to Grab Onto

Where we live is called “Casa Glicine” or “Wisteria House”. Our house has three gazebos covered with beautiful wisteria. Two are lavender and one is pink. All three have incredible fragrances. The pink one has been guessed to be over 150 years old. No one knows how old the house is, but anyone at city hall says, “Wow, that is an old address.”

This pink wisteria is massive. It is over 650 square feet and when it flowers, it is ‘purple rain’. The light in the colour of its flowers and its fragrance are divine.

And when the petals fall and the leaves form, the wisteria sends out little arms to reach out onto something it can grow towards. These need constant trimming or they will grow and quickly, firmly attach to whatever they can find.

These little arms create shapes, lines from nature that I would never think to draw. It is the perfect metaphor; as they reach, searching for something to hold onto. When they find it, they grasp it and hold on tight, as do we. A a path to follow, a “Corso”.

Lock Down Sculptures

We were locked down in Italy for 65 Days as of March 10th. Bev could go food shopping with the right paperwork as she has an Italian Driver’s License. I had to stay at the house. There are outside activities to do, so fortunately we were not stuck in an apartment. So, I set my mind to my sculpture. I have another 40-50 to complete when we return.
We all have our way of staying sane. This was mine. Thinking of other worlds made from the natural world around me.